Jennifer S.

Our team went to lunch at a local dumplings restaurant and met the owner of the place ... who was so kind and told us all about the story of the restaurant. She tied it to her family history, the meaning food holds in her heart, etc. My coworker asked her how her...

Jessica H.

Allison and I met a young woman in Victoria Park [in London on the Northwest mission trip] who was babysitting her 3 yr old niece. She was on hold on the phone but willing to engage in conversation with us. We prayed for her and I was able to share the gospel! She...

Caleb G.

I met a young woman named [....]. She was walking near our group [from the London mission trip] and she said something to me like pardon. I ended up telling her about our group and the church ministry. She knew about Kahaila [local coffee shop church] which was really...

Jennifer S.

On the London mission trip, we split up into pairs or 3s and walked the pop up “farmer’s market” at Kings Cross Square in front of the Kings Cross St Pancras station. Caryss and I met [...] at a cannoli booth. She works full time for this booth and was very kind....

Lauren A.

[...] was a homeless woman sitting on the side of King's Cross Station [in London on the Northwest mission trip] asking for money to get into a hostel. I was walking around with a partner from my missions team, looking for people to have conversations with, and we...

Paul N.

A co-worker [...] who I’ve been trying to minister to shared with me that he has been reading Genesis and praying daily.

Nancy R.

The cheerful lady at the return counter of the giant box store patiently tried to help me out with my mixed up order. When she finished, I gratefully handed her a DVD of The Jesus Film. "It's a gift for you",  I said. "It's the story of the life of Jesus Christ"....

Kara R.

My husband joined a work volleyball league two years ago. I would pack up the kids and we’d go watch him play. I struck up a friendship with the wife of one of my husband’s coworkers. She is Muslim and had just recently moved to Texas to marry her husband. Shortly...

Bob F.

Yesterday, Pastor Neil spoke about the first miracle in Acts 3 by Peter. A homeless man outside of Jason‘s Deli asked me for money, I said, can I pray for you, and bless you with the Holy Spirit. The man was confused at first, then surprised, then he became...

Judy S.

Today after shopping at the grocery store .... I had the bag boy take my groceries out to the car. I reached into my chain pocket to give him a tip. I mentioned that I hope the store pays him a good wage. He assured me that they do. I mentioned to [him] that I was not...