The Septic Tank Cleaning Man backed up his huge tanker truck to suck out the stuff from the underground tanks at our lake house. I was so grateful for his coming. It was overdue.
During a lull, I took him some iced peach tea and began chatting with him. At the mention of being thankful to God, he confessed that he had not been to church in years because of hypocrites there. I got to talk to him about his relationship “on hold” with Christ, the Holy Spirit within us, how to start reading his Bible, how to use a devotional book daily. We read together from “Jesus Calling” on the current date. His face lit up and he recalled having that joyful peaceful feeling when a boy in church.
He really wanted to try going back to church so I called a friend who lives in his area for a suggestion. I texted him the church’s name and info. It was an honor and a privilege to get to encourage and do basic discipling with my very own Septic Tank Man, my brother in Christ.