We started a summer discipleship group for high school girls who had been in our youth group at the NCC. On the first day, one girl came. She was not the girl I was expecting, but it turned out to be God’s sovereign plan for her to be there. We started out just by chatting about where she was in her relationship with the Lord. She expressed a hunger to read the Bible and pray more. As we talked, it became clear she had never given her life to the Lord. So I used the three circles visual to share the gospel with her. She decided she wanted to trust Jesus as her Savior — praise God! We prayed together and she accepted Jesus. Then we did a little Bible study together so she can start learning how to know God through the Bible. God has been repeatedly showing me how He accomplishes His work in people’s heart, and we get the joy of Him inviting us into it! I’m so glad that He worked out this discipleship group according to His plan and not mine :).