My wife, Stacy and I met with a single mother while on our Mission trip to Cuba […] along with her son and daughter. [She] is struggling to make it to church because her son has an intestinal problem that he has had since he was born and has to wear a colostomy bag since day one. Some days, they do not have new bags to use so they attach rags around him and they can’t leave the house for fear of infection. He can’t go to school most days nor can they attend church due to this problem. [Her son] is 14 years old but was the same size as most of the 7 and 8 year olds. We were able to sit in with her and visit with the them about how God is moving in their town with Julio Ceasar’s church and the blessings that the Lord has given her with her children. Despite all of the issues that they encounter daily, she was so thankful for having the Lord in her life and what He does for them. We also talked about the vacation bible school that we were doing over the next two days. We prayed for them and invited them to attend and they all showed up! After the service that evening, we met collectively with Julio to discuss this family’s situation and talk about how we would try to help get the colostomy bags needed to help them. It was such a joy to see him running around and playing with all the other kids! It was also a blessing to get to see the hope and joy on [her] face and in her smile because of her faith in God!