On the London mission trip, we split up into pairs or 3s and walked the pop up “farmer’s market” at Kings Cross Square in front of the Kings Cross St Pancras station. Caryss and I met […] at a cannoli booth. She works full time for this booth and was very kind. She’s been in London for 15 years and really likes it. I think she said she was originally from Pakistan???? When we asked what we could pray for her about, she mentioned her son […] who is 10 and has Autism. I was so surprised and shared that I also have a son with Autism who is 9! We prayed for him right there, and she thanked us. When we met up with the group afterwards to debrief, we learned that Allison and Christina had been by to talk to her before us (without either of us knowing), and when they asked her if they could pray for her, she said “just general stuff” – but when I asked her a little bit later, I was surprised that she answered so quickly and without hesitation, “yes you can pray for my 10 year old son […] who has Autism” I believe she must have thought about it after the other girls asked, and realized what she would have asked for prayer for! This was a cool connection God made for us too, because it showed in “real time” what we had been praying for – that God would bring other believers into the path of those we have been meeting, to continue the conversation and share Jesus with them!