I met a young woman named [….]. She was walking near our group [from the London mission trip] and she said something to me like pardon. I ended up telling her about our group and the church ministry. She knew about Kahaila [local coffee shop church] which was really awesome! After a bit, I asked her if there was anything I could pray for her about, she said yes, her partner’s father was very sick. I asked how bad and it was pretty bad. I was able to have some connection with this since my mom is a hospice nurse and I lost my grandmother just over a year ago. I asked her if I could pray for her now and she said yes but she had never had anyone pray for her. So we prayed for her family and her and he partner and her partners father. After, I asked her if she was a spiritual person, to which she said yes. I then asked her if she had ever heard the gospel, to which she said no. So I asked her if I could tell her, it’ll take like 2 mins. She said yes and I got to share the Gospel with her! She was definitely impacted by this and told me she had a lot of thinking to do. I told her about the services at Kahaila at 7:30 on Wednesday and referred her to Paul [pastor of Kahaila] to answer her questions.