Our Vision
By 2026, we will be having thousands of surprisingly easy-to-start conversations about Jesus all over our city because we are convinced, where God has us is where Jesus is.
As part of God’s plan, each of us has been given a DIVINE PLATFORM where God wants to use us. Simply stated, our divine platform is where God has placed us to have conversations about Jesus in the unique way God has shaped us. Our personality, gifts, and individual stories, along with the places we live our lives, provide us with opportunities to share Jesus with our city. Because no two of us are alike, no two platforms are the same.
Our hope for Northwest as we live out our VISION and take risks for Jesus is that we experience God’s presence and grow our faith as we witness what God does in the lives of the people we reach through our conversations.
Learn more about Discovery Experience, our most important next step to developing proficiency in having conversations about Jesus.